0 vehicles on record

Our advanced search lets you find cars quickly and easily. You can search using one or more of the following fields:

  • Registration: Enter the full or partial registration number. You can use the "%" or "_" characters as wildcards. "%" represents 0 or more characters. "_" represents a single character. For example:
    • "AB12CDE" will find only cars with that exact registration.
    • "AB12%" will find all registrations starting with "AB12".
    • "%CDE" will find all registrations ending with "CDE".
    • "A%C%" will find all registrations containing "A" and "C".
    • "A_BC" will find all registrations with any 1 character between A and BC
  • Make: Enter the car's make (e.g., "BMW").
  • Model: Enter the car's model (e.g., "3 Series").
  • Color: Enter the car's color (e.g., "Blue").

Providing more information will narrow down your search results. For instance, searching for "Ford", "Focus", and "Blue" will only show blue Ford Focuses.